#include "Assets/OverCloud/OverCloudInclude.cginc"
3. Comment out line 474 (the one that says 'UNITY_APPLY_FOG(input.fogCoord, col);') and instead, replace it with the lines:
    float4 col4 = float4(col, 1.0);
    OVERCLOUD_FRAGMENT_FULL(col4, uvDepth, input.worldPos)
    OVERCLOUD_OCEAN_BASE(col4, uvDepth, input.worldPos)
    col = col4.rgb;
    // Soft shadow, hard shadow
    fixed2 shadow = (fixed2)1.0
    #if _SHADOWS_ON
        - input.flow_shadow.zw
    float cloudShadowIntensity = 1.0;
    shadow *= CloudShadows(input.worldPos, cloudShadowIntensity);
The value "cloudShadowIntensity" can be set to something higher than 1, or controlled via a global shader parameter to make the cloud shadows on the water stronger.
    #include "Assets/OverCloud/OverCloudInclude.cginc"
    #define FOG_OVERCLOUD
3. Open LuxWater/Shaders/Includes/LuxWater_Core.cginc
    #elif defined(FOG_OVERCLOUD)
        if (!backside) {
            #if defined (UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE)
                OVERCLOUD_FRAGMENT_FULL(c, i.grabUV.xy / i.grabUV.w, worldPos)
                OVERCLOUD_OCEAN_BASE(c, i.grabUV.xy / i.grabUV.w, worldPos)
            #elif defined (UNITY_PASS_FORWARDADD)
                OVERCLOUD_FRAGMENT_FULL_ADD(c, worldPos)
                OVERCLOUD_OCEAN_ADD(c, i.grabUV.xy / i.grabUV.w, worldPos)
    float cloudShadowIntensity = 1.0;
    atten *= CloudShadows(worldPos, cloudShadowIntensity);
The value "cloudShadowIntensity" can be set to something higher than 1, or controlled via a global shader parameter to make the cloud shadows on the water stronger.
1. Open AQUAS/Shaders/Water/Desktop&Web/2SidedTripleTextured.shader
2. On line 75, under '#include "UnityStandardBRDF.cginc"', add:
    #include "Assets/OverCloud/OverCloudInclude.cginc"
3. On line 314, comment out 'UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, finalRGBA);' and replace it with:
    OVERCLOUD_FRAGMENT_FULL(finalRGBA, i.projPos.xy / i.projPos.w, i.posWorld.xyz)
4. On line 337, under '#include "UnityStandardBRDF.cginc"', add:
    OVERCLOUD_OCEAN_BASE(finalRGBA, i.projPos.xy / i.projPos.w, i.posWorld.xyz)
    #include "Assets/OverCloud/OverCloudInclude.cginc"
5. On line 540, comment out 'UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, finalRGBA);' and replace it with:
    OVERCLOUD_FRAGMENT_FULL_ADD(finalRGBA, i.posWorld.xyz)
    OVERCLOUD_OCEAN_ADD(finalRGBA, i.projPos.xy / i.projPos.w, i.posWorld.xyz)